Car Body Painting
In the automotive industry, achieving a flawless finish on car bodies—both interior and exterior—is crucial for quality and aesthetics. With the advent of ADLER’S robotic technology, the painting process has transformed, offering enhanced precision, efficiency, and consistency. Here's how robotic systems are revolutionizing automotive painting:
Painting Procedure: The vehicle's paint job is separated into two sections: the interior painting procedure for the body's interior and the exterior painting procedure for the body's outside. ADLER Robotics uses three layers—primer, base, and clear coat—to elevate the vehicle body's appearance and quality to the greatest possible level.
Interior Painting: This is the process by which the robot applies paint to several areas of inside automobile bodies, including the inside door, hood, engine, tailgate, and trunk. Interior painting requires an opener robot to open doors and the hood and tailgate as well as an automated guided vehicle and painting robot. ADLER Robotics provides a Multi-Interior Painting Process that integrates the interior painting process to minimize and reduce cost.
Exterior Painting: Painting the interior of a car involves different challenges, such as working in confined spaces and ensuring that surfaces like dashboards, consoles, and trim are coated evenly. Robotic systems offer a solution that combines precision with the ability to navigate complex interior geometries. This process is the last affecting the aesthetics of the automobiles, such as colors, gloss, smoothness, and hatch and maintains durability by protecting the colors from external conditions, including ultraviolet rays, oxygen, water, and heat.